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Rob's Review November

Newtown Grant HOA

Drive Carefully – Friendly reminder to please obey the speed limit signs in Newtown Grant which is 25 MPH and Jonquil Drive and fifteen (15) miles per hour on all other streets. All STOP signs at intersections MUST be observed. This is enforced by Newtown Township Police Department.

Game Room & Clubhouse – Starting Tuesday, September 5th Game Room will be available Friday Nights, 4:00pm-8:00pm, Saturdays, 12:00pm-8:00pm and Sundays, 12:00pm-7:00pm. Game Room features a Ping Pong Table, Foosball Table, Billiards Table and Dart Board!

Lending Library – Check out our new Lending Library located in the clubhouse lobby. This is a “leave a book, take a book” library that is available to Newtown residents. Starting Tuesday, September 5th, the library is accessible between the hours of 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-8:00pm Fridays, 8:30am – 8:00pm, and from 12:00pm-7:00pm Saturdays and Sundays

Visit Our Website - Visit our Website! - Please visit our website at for information on the Clubhouse and the Community. You can find info on all the clusters within Newtown Grant. You can also see management contact info for FirstService, CAMCO and Continental Property Management. If you need immediate attention, you can contact our FirstService Customer Care Center at 800-870-0010.

Environmental Review Board (ERB) Reminders for Exterior Home Improvements – As the summer months are in full swing, as a friendly reminder, to please double check with your respective clusters regarding what exterior home improvements require an Environmental Review Board (ERB) to be submitted for board approval prior to scheduling. To view your clusters ERB guidelines, please check out the Newtown Grant website at, then click on the Master Board & Clusters tab and then your respective cluster. ERB guidelines and forms can be found on the right hand side of the screen. For any questions or additional information, please contact your associated cluster property manager for assistance.

Newtown Grant Trash Can Policy: Per Newtown Grant Master Board Rules and Regulations.

Trash and/or trash cans:

a. Trash bins and/or trash bags shall not be permitted to stand along the outside wall of any building

b. All non-recyclable trash shall be in bags that tie closed and be placed within trash bins with a top closure.

c. Trash bins and recyclable trash containers shall not be placed outside until the evening before the scheduled trash pick-up no earlier than 7:00 PM.

d. Trash bins and recyclable trash containers shall be removed from the street returned inside as soon as possible, but no later than 9:00 PM on the day of pick-up. e. Society Place Condominiums use dumpsters and initiates an immediate and un-waivable fine of $50 per bag/box left on the ground and not deposited in trash bins. This fine escalates with each infraction.

Per Newtown Grant, Newtown Township and the State of Pennsylvania: ““No pet shall be permitted to run at large or to roam without a leash on any lands other than its owner’s land.”

Additionally, per the State of Pennsylvania: “All dogs must be under control not be allowed to run at large. Dogs are personal property, and owners responsible for damages caused by their dog.”

Anyone observed of having their pet off leash-off their personal property will be subjected to a $100.00 Newtown Grant Homeowners Association fine and a $350.00 fine from the Township and State of Pennsylvania.




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