Newtown Grant Master HOA
January 5, 2025 This is a mass communication email being sent to all residents of Newtown Grant Master HOA.
I would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year! May 2025 bring much happiness and health. Newtown Grant has been fortunate as the past couple of winters have been generally mild and with very few winter weather storms.
The Natonial Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for tomorrow, Monday, January 6th for the possiblity of 2-4 inches of snow. As a friendly reminder, please review the below snow removal protocols here for Newtown Grant.
Newtown Grant Roads: Please be advised that ALLroads within Newtown Grant are owned by Newtown Township with the exception of Society Place (owned by Society Place Homeowners Association) and The Recreation Area (Recreation Area is owned by Newtown Grant Master Board). As such Newtown Township Public Works Department will commence snow plowing once 2 inches of snow has accumulated. The township requires that ALL vehicles must be removed from any dedicated road or street after an accumulation of one inch or greater of snow until snow has been completely removed from the entire width of the cartway and, until 24 hours after the storm. Any vehicle in violation of this law may be towed, ticketed and impounded at the discretion of the Police Department. To report any vehicles not removed from the roads, please contact Police Non-Emergency at 215-328-8524.
Snow Storm Over Flow Parking: To accommodate unit owners who need to remove vehicles from the roads during the storm, only the Upper Parking Lot located by the Softball Field in the Recreation Area will be available and kept cleared. Unit owners that elect to park in the lot will be responsible for snow clearing of there personal vehicle once the storm has concluded and all vehicles must be removed from the parking lot within 48 hours once the storm has ended.
Townhouse and Single Family Home Snow Removal: For townhouse and single family home unit owners, each unit owner is responsible for snow removal of their respective driveways, front entrance walks and any sidewalk that abutts there front, side or rear property line. Per Newtown Township, it is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner to clear the sidewalk within 24 hours after the snow has stopped falling. Snow is to be placed on the property owner’s property. Snow should NEVER be placed in the roadway. Failure to properly clear a sidewalk may result in a violation notice and/or fine from your respective cluster as well as addtitional infractions issued by Newtown Township.
Townshouse and Single Family Home Common Areas:Snow removal of the common areas (sidewalks and mailbox pads) for the townhouse and single family home clusters will commence once Newtown Township has completed snow removal of the roads which, depending on the size of the storm typically occurs within 4 hours once the storm has ended.
Please address any further snow removal questions and/or concerns within your cluster to your respective cluster manager.
Eagles Pointe - Natalie Dymecki;
Estates I - Rob DeGeorge,
Estates II - Nick DeSalvo,
Estates IV - Maggie Craig,
Fawn Hollow - Nick DeSalvo,
Heather Wood I - Rob DeGeorge,
Heather Wood II - Nick DeSalvo,
Newtown Grant Master - Rob DeGeorge,
Pheasant Walk - Nick DeSalvo,
Quail Creek - Nick DeSalvo,
Raven's View I - Ellie Slomine,
Raven's View II - Maggie Craig,
Society Place - Ellie Slomine,
Whispering Wood - Laura Bockowksi,
Willow Creek and Eagle Trace - Rob DeGeorge,