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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the clubhouse hours?Monday - Thursday 8:30AM - 4:30PM the clubhouse is closed in the evenings. Friday 8:30AM - 8PM Saturday 12 noon - 8PM Sunday 12 noon -7PM ​ For any Common Area Property Management Emergencies/Concerns, please contact the 24/7 Customer Service number at 1-800-870-0010
What is the clubhouse phone number?215-968-3789
What are the pool hours?Junior Pool Weekend’s only from May 25th through June 9th Saturday & Sunday 10:00 AM – 6:00PM Starting June 13th through September 2nd (Labor Day) Monday – Friday 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM Saturday & Sunday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM ****************************************** Main Pool Weekend’s only from May 25th through June 9th Saturday & Sunday 10:00 AM – 8:00PM Starting June 13th through September 2nd (Labor Day) Monday – Friday 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM Saturday & Sunday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
When does the Newtown Grant Master Board of Directors Meet?4th Wednesday of each month at 7pm
What does the Association fee cover?The Association fee for the Master Association covers the clubhouse expenses and recreational expenses for pool, softball field, playground, asphalt parking lots, tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball court, insurance, management team, etc. The detailed Master Budget can be found: Once you enter the password protected area you can find the budget by going to: - "MY COMMUNITY" - "FORMS & DOCUMENTS" - "ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTS"
Why do I pay my fee to my cluster Association?The cluster Association collects the Master Fee and the Cluster Fee. The Cluster fee covers common area expenses for your individual cluster. Some clusters have a basin and lots of landscaping to maintain, other clusters have mailbox pads and common sidewalks that need to be maintained. Depending on how many homes in that cluster and the common area responsibility, the fee for each cluster is different. Please discuss with your cluster Property Manager further.
Is trash service included in the Association fee?No, each homeowner is responsible for contracting with a private trash vendor themselves. The most widely used are listed below: - McCullough Trash – 215-943-7470 - Waste Management – - Whitetail Disposal: 610-754-0103
What is the Non-emergency Newtown Police phone number?The Newtown Police Non-Emergency phone number is (215) 328-8524
Contact Us
If you are looking for additional information please email the Community Manager by using the form below or email directly

Newtown Grant Master Home Owners
Association Messenger
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